Michael Droste-Laux
For several decades, Michael Droste-Laux has been working on the topics of health and beauty. In his research, he recognized the importance of connective tissue for a healthy and beautiful skin. He specializes exclusively in base-forming products and offers a concept for beauty indoors and outdoors. Recipes of conventional cosmetics and natural cosmetics are usually based on acids. We use the anvil of acid, namely the base or lye, as in the past the traditional core soap. Similar to a healing earth, a suction effect is created according to the physical law of skin osmosis. Acidtoxins are leached over the skin and bound and neutralized as if by a extinguishing blade. As a result, there are no irritations, irritations or allergic reactions, it develops an incomparably beautiful skin as it is only possible with a basic mineral and gemstone cosmetics. Michael Droste-Laux wants to arouse interest for more vitality, energy, relaxation and a healthy, beautiful skin.